
These functions are the heart of this app. Everything you need to do in your project is implemented in the shortcuts module.


Do not rush your project using the shortcuts directly. We have an easiest way to use these shorcuts using mixins in your models. Click here to check it out.


has_role(user, role_class, obj=None)

Returns True if the user has the role to the object.

has_permission(user, permission, obj=None)

Returns True if the user has the permission.

Assigning and Revoking

assign_role(user, role_class, obj=None)

Assign the role to the user.

assign_roles(users_list, role_class, obj=None)

Assign the role to all users in the list.

remove_role(user, role_class, obj=None)

Remove the role and your permissions of the object from the user.

remove_roles(users_list=None, role_class, obj=None)

Remove the role and your permissions of the object from all users in the list.


get_role(user, obj=None)

Get the unique role class of the user related to the object.

get_roles(user, obj=None)

Get all role classes of the user related to the object.

get_user(role_class=None, obj=None)

Get the unique user instance according to the object.

get_user(role_class=None, obj=None)

Get the unique user instance according to the object.

get_users(role_class=None, obj=None)

Get all users instances according to the object.

get_objects(user, role_class=None, model=None)

Get all objects related to the user.